Leftoverloaded - What to Do with Thanksgiving Leftovers
A human being can only consume so many leftover turkey sandwiches. So what are you supposed to do with all those leftovers from Thanksgiving?? We’ve rounded up a few of our all-time favorite ideas, including a few unconventional ideas to inspire you!
A human being can only consume so many leftover turkey sandwiches. So what are you supposed to do with all those leftovers from Thanksgiving?? We’ve rounded up a few of our all-time favorite ideas, including a few unconventional ideas to inspire you!
Lucky for us Thanksgiving falls right in the heart of soup season. Our recipe for Homemade Turkey Soup is a great way to use up some of the extra bird.
And whether we admit it (or not) all of us are hungry the day after indulging. Cranberry Swirl Cinnamon Rolls get you right back on track for brunch the next day. They are sweet and tangy and a completely unexpected way to use any leftover cranberry you might have.
Leftover mashed potatoes? Perfect! We have a really fun recipe for Potato & Cheese Pierogi that call for mashed potatoes. Did you add garlic or herbs to your Thanksgiving potatoes? No worries! That will just add even more flavor to these traditional Polish dumplings.
We saved our best idea for last - trust us on this one. It’s the best way to utilize ALL your leftovers. Pizza! Yes, pizza. Layers of mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, turkey, cranberry sauce and cheese; it's like eating your Thanksgiving dinner on crust!Sometimes I’ll make a turkey day inspired meal (with a rotisserie chicken) just to be able to make this Thanksgiving Leftovers Pizza the next day.
Want more ideas? Check out our recipe collection with even more things to do with all those leftovers. What is your favorite thing to make? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. Happy Thanksgiving!
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