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Turning Crafts into Commercials: Making of Land O’Lakes’ “Farm to Table” TV Spot

Take a behind-the-scenes look at how award-winning director Kyle Bean and an expert team of artists and makers brought a miniature farm landscape to life with stop-motion animation.

blog_image by Land O'Lakes Test Kitchen

blog_image by Land O'Lakes Test Kitchen

Simple ingredients make for more than just a great product when it comes to Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil. In our new commercial, our team worked with a team of expert artists, designers, crafters and makers to create an intricate farm landscape made from simple household items, reimagining the meaning of “farm to table” in a fun and interesting new way.
We asked Director Kyle Bean, whose work with a variety of high-profile brands and popular animation series has won awards across the globe, to share his thoughts about bringing this elaborate world to life on a modest four-person dinner table.
“I think I was drawn most to the notion of ‘farm to table’ and the clarity of concept that this had for me. It seems to work hand in hand with the fact that the product contains three simple ingredients,” says Kyle.

What inspired the use of stop motion animation?

Bringing the simple ingredients story to life in less than 30 seconds is, ironically, not so simple of a challenge. However, Kyle knew stop motion and miniatures would make the spot relatable and captivating, as they are “such a powerful way of bringing charm to filmmaking.”

Image Butter With Canola Oil Table Set

Image Tractor On Table

The power of the collective

A cooperative effort not only leads to improvements in dairy farming, but in directing, too. Learning from collaboration with a large art department and experimenting with various techniques is what stands out to Kyle as a special part of working on this project.
“We discovered that the best way for us to make the hay bales, for example, was to cut up a bunch of paint brushes into small bristles, and then roll them up on a strip of masking tape tightly so that they formed that very distinctive hay bale texture and form” said Kyle.


The work of solving these challenges paid off in the end, as Kyle and team showed that the magic of the farm can live anywhere – from a dinner table to a tub of
Land O Lakes® Butter with Canola Oil. “It was like a childhood dream come true, really,” he says.
Visit our YouTube playlist to see the spots and a complete collection of the behind-the-scenes videos taken on set. Then, share your thoughts in the comments below

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