Using Seasonal Berries in New Ways
Last summer, we shared some ideas with you for using fruit and fresh herbs for an unexpected summertime twist. This summer, we thought we would give you some ideas for using the seasonal berries we all love with some unexpected summertime twists.
Last summer, we shared some ideas with you for using fruit and fresh herbs for an unexpected summertime twist. This summer, we thought we would give you some ideas for using the seasonal berries we all love with some unexpected summertime twists.
Here is an appetizer that marries mango chutney, fresh raspberries and creamy cheese, and is easy to make. The flavors in our Raspberry, Chutney & Cheese Pastry will surprise your summertime guests.
Fruit with meat might sound a little unusual, but blueberries, which are loaded with antioxidants, have a sweet-and-sour flavor that works surprisingly well in this recipe for Barbecued Ribs with Blueberry Sauce.
Berries absolutely belong in desserts, and sometimes the classics are the best. But even classics can use an update. Here is an old-fashioned recipe for Double Berry Pandowdy. It’s delicious as-is, but why not surprise friends and family by sneaking in some interesting flavors? Try adding one-quarter teaspoon of cayenne, black pepper or ground ginger to the berry mixture. For flavor and¬ crunch, try adding a couple of tablespoons of chopped candied ginger.
And in this blog, you’ll find a few more old-fashioned desserts using berries and other fruits that you can experiment with. Examine your spice cupboard and see what sounds good to you, and don’t forget to think beyond dessert for using those lovely, in-season berries.
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