Chocolate Filigree Hearts
Lacy, delicate chocolate hearts that are really a very easy decoration to make.
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1 cup real semi-sweet chocolate chips
How to make
Draw 1 1/2- to 2-inch heart-shaped design on paper for pattern.
Melt chocolate chips in 1-quart saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool slightly; spoon into small resealable plastic food bag. Cut end off one corner of bag.
Place pattern piece on baking sheet. Lay sheet of waxed paper over heart-shaped pattern. Pipe chocolate onto waxed paper over outline of heart and pipe designs (squiggles or spirals) to partially fill in center of heart. Reposition heart pattern; repeat piping with remaining chocolate. Refrigerate 20 minutes or until firm.
To serve, gently remove chocolate hearts from waxed paper. Use as garnish on desserts as desired.
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