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Picnic food

Picnic Success Tips

Picnics may be the best part of summer. It’s your chance to get outdoors with friends and family and share in warm weather activities. Picnics can be impromptu, spur-of-the-moment gatherings, a planned neighborhood potluck, or family reunion event.

Picnics may be the best part of summer. It’s your chance to get outdoors with friends and family and share in warm weather activities. Picnics can be impromptu, spur-of-the-moment gatherings, a planned neighborhood potluck, or family reunion event. Remember these key tips to ensure an enjoyable picnic:

Successful picnics start with a little planning

  • Keep in mind that the foods you want to serve at a picnic or bring to a picnic need to be portable, at least to an extent. They should be able to be easily packed to go, whether to the backyard or to a park across town.
  • Whether you are packing a picnic lunch at home or picking up foods at the deli, make a list in advance so nothing gets left behind.
  • Pack picnic items in the order you will need them: food first, then tableware, then the picnic cloth on top.
  • Share cooking duties at the picnic. Ask your family to help in the kitchen or at the grill. Enlist your kids to help wash vegetables. Working together makes it so much easier and fun.
  • Make good use of local bakeries, delis or specialty food shops to round out your menus. Fresh hamburger buns from the bakery or Land O Lakes® American slices from the deli are quick stops to make when you need these items - even on short notice.
  • Take advantage of the local farmer’s market for the best in seasonal foods.
  • Be creative when deciding on serving dishes. Pint canning jars are perfect for serving beverages. Remember, too, that serving dishes do not necessarily have to match. Don’t forget paper plates. There are so many colorful paper plates, cups and napkins – so keep it simple.
  • When possible, cook food ahead, wrap well, label and freeze. Now you are ready for instant get-togethers.

Our Favorite Summertime Picnic Potluck Favorites

We have compiled a collection of some of our favorite summer picnic recipes. Some are classic favorites, and a few others offer a twist to the traditional recipe, such as potato salad with sour cream and dill.

Summer Picnic Safety

Have you ever wondered about the best way to pack a cooler, or about food safety tips when the temperature outside is scorching hot? You can have a fantastic picnic, but you do need to keep the food safe. Our Summer Food Safety FAQs will provide answers to your questions.

Remember to relax and enjoy your picnic. It will be a fun time for everyone!

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