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Shipping Homemade Treats

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  • How do I package candy to send?

    • Do not package candies that absorb moisture (caramels, mints, hard candies, toffee) in the same container as those that lose moisture (fudge, fondant, meringues).
    • Wrap different candy varieties in plastic food wrap, and divide layers with waxed paper. Use crumpled or shredded paper towels or plastic bubble wrap inside the container for padding. Seal the container with tape.
    • Put the container (tin, coffee can, etc.) into a sturdy cardboard box. Use bubble wrap or newspaper to protect the container.
    • Print the mailing address and return address on the package in waterproof ink; mark the package "PERISHABLE FOOD" to encourage quick and careful handling. Overnight shipping may be your best choice.

  • How should I pack cookies for mailing?

    • Do not mail cookies that require refrigeration such as cheesecake bars or delicate cake-like textured cookies.
    • Bar, drop or dried fruit cookies are best for mailing. Cookies with hard crunchy textures, like biscotti and shortbreads, ship well as do chocolate chip, ginger snaps and oatmeal cookies. Tender, fragile cookies are apt to crumble when mailed.
    • Use a durable, rigid box or empty tin as a mailing container*. Place a piece of bubble wrap on bottom of container. Then line the container with aluminum foil or plastic food wrap that is large enough to wrap over the cookies when the container is full.
    • Wrap four to six cookies of the same size together in aluminum foil, plastic food wrap or resealable plastic food bag then seal securely. Continue packing cookies until the container is full. Double-wrap cookies if shipping more than one kind or flavor so that flavors do not blend.
    • Place the heaviest cookies at the bottom of the container and layer the wrapped cookies with bubble wrap or crumpled paper towels.
    • Put the container or tin into a sturdy cardboard box 2 inches larger than the tin.
    • Print the mailing address and return address on the package in waterproof ink; mark the package "PERISHABLE FOOD" to encourage quick and careful handling. Overnight shipping may be your best choice.