Lemon Pepper Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Bright lemon flavor pairs perfectly with oven roasted Brussels sprouts.
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4 (2 tablespoons) Land O Lakes® Butter Balls
1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed, halved
2 teaspoon salt1
2 teaspoon cracked black pepper1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
Land O Lakes® Butter Balls, for topping
How to make
Heat oven to 400ºF. Spray 15x10x1-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.
Place Butter Balls into large microwave-safe bowl. Microwave 20 seconds or until melted. Add Brussels sprouts, salt and pepper; stir until Brussels sprouts are well coated. Arrange in single layer in prepared pan.
Bake, stirring halfway through, 20-25 minutes or until Brussels sprouts are softened and beginning to brown. Sprinkle lemon juice and zest over Brussels sprouts; toss lightly to coat.
Serve hot topped with Butter Balls as desired.
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Cooking with Brussels Sprouts
Whether you’re a longtime Brussels sprouts fan or newly converted, we’ve got even more ways for you to enjoy them. (A little cheese and bacon certainly never hurt anything.)
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